Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Now at Kidzee

I changed my school to Kidzee, as Mumma said that I will enjoy and learn here more. First day was full of fun and play. They had many more toys and play items. I liked a scooter particularly and rode it across the school. There were many other kids with whom I played.

My class group - Nursery Cherry

Tummy time - I had french fries 

Play time

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Mom you are great!

Mumma use to work before I was born. She was a lecturer in MBA which she left to take care of me. However, she was always interested in doing a job, and was waiting for my school to start so that she can join somewhere during that time.
Yesterday she got an offer from a school very near to our house. This was after lot of searching and effort put by her. She was very excited and discussed about it with Papa. The timings were from morning 8 to afternoon 1:30. My school timings were from 9:00 to 12:00. They planned that in morning Mumma will go to job at 8, and Papa will drop me at school at 9 and go to his office. At afternoon, since we do not have any body else living with us at home, I will wait from 12:00 noon to 2:00 at the day care facility of the school. Mumma will come to pick me up after finishing her office.

But as the day passed Mumma got worried with the idea of me waiting at day care for almost two hours. She knew that as soon as the school gets over, I eagerly look towards the door to see Mumma or Papa coming to take me home. She was increasingly getting uncomfortable, imagining me sitting sadly in a corner of the school hall and looking towards the door for Mumma/Papa to appear. She realized she can't let me suffer even slightly for anything. She decided not to take that Job.

This was a difficult decision for her to take. Papa consoled her and encouraged and said that its a wise decision. Thanks Mumma. I am really lucky to have a Mumma like you, who could sacrifice all her wishes, dreams and interest for me. I love you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Jumping Jumping

Bowling at gamezone

School started at 2 yrs 7 months

Went to 'Our Lady of Help Convent' scool in Ribandar, Goa. Papa said that I had to go only for few days here after which I will go to Kidzee.
8th June, 2015 was my first day at school. Morning I created a havoc at home as I didn't liked getting up so early. Also, I didnt liked the idea of wearing the school uniform. Why should I? I have plenty of other dress that are much pretty than uniform. But Mumma and Papa, some how managed to get me in uniform  and took me to school.
There I found many other kids of my age in same uniform. Most of them were screaming and crying. Few were just uncontrollable. I watched every body in surprise. Mumma and Papa left me in my class with the teacher, who made me sit and play with toys.
After 1 hour Mumma, Papa took me home. I ate the tiffin on my way back.
I enjoyed initial days at school and cried only twice.